Friday, April 29, 2005


Last night I finally finished watching 大長今. It's probably the best tv episode I have ever watched. You know at first I didn't really care about this show because I thought it's just gimmick and you know how ppl watch it because others watch it too.

It was because I was in the hospital and there wasn't much to do, so tv became the only entertianment. After watched it a few nights, I got hooked! Seriously I am not the type of person who always watch the tv episodes but 大長今 is such a good one that I have to catch. Good that my parents bought the DVD so I get to watch it in a short time. Many nights I stayed late just to watch it. I felt I am poisoned haha...

Korean films and tv are getting better and better. I have watched some of their movies and I really like them. I think they are very serious about what they do. 大長今's storyline is very detailed. When you watch it you will find out how each character developed. I also think they picked the right actors/actresses for the show.

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