Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Special Dinner

Why a special dinner? Because tonight I got to share my story to a friend who is having some struggles in life. I can't believe how amazing God is because he used me to share with her. She's an ex colleague from my first job in HK 4 years ago. Her relationship problem is leading her to losing faith in God. God is so amazing because our dinner is on Wednesday night, but if the dinner is before Monday, I wouldn't have share the same thing to her.

So my friend I will pray for you and please give yourself to God.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

God Love Me

Finally I see some lights in my life. Now I realize what God is doing on my life. I know that the new "Joe" is waiting ahead. Now I am going to build a strong relationship with God and fully rely on Him. With Him, I think I can go through all the struggles.

Again I have to thank all the brothers and sisters who talked to me and prayed for me.

Of course, I have to thank you God!

This coming Saturday, Mensheng will go to Guangzhou to play a show. It will be our first time to play outside of Hong Kong. We are very lucky to get this opportunity because Mensheng is such a new band that very little people have heard of. We still have a long way to go but again, thanks everyone who supports us.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Matthew 8:2-3

8:2 有一個長大痲瘋的來拜他,說:“主若肯,必能叫我潔淨了。”
8:3 耶穌伸手摸他說:“我肯,你潔淨了吧!”他的大痲瘋立刻就潔淨了。

8:2-3 痲瘋是一種可怕的皮膚傳染病,當時沒有治愈之法。人染上這種病,祭司就會正式宣告此人是痲瘋病人並把他遷出家園和城市,讓他與其他痲瘋病人一起生活,直到他痊愈或死去。當這個痲瘋病人哀求耶穌醫治他時,耶穌不怕他皮膚上那令人懼怕的病菌,伸手摸他。正如痲瘋病一樣,罪也是不治之症,而我們全都患上此病。惟有基督的撫摸和醫治才能奇妙地除去我們的罪,使我們復原。不過我們首先要像這個痲瘋病人一樣,先承認自己無能力醫治自己,並祈求基督的拯救和幫助。

Matthew 6

Started bible reading couple weeks ago, but seems like after a few days I would forgot. Anyway, talked to my group leader from church, he suggested me to read the New Testament first so here I am starting Matthew. Found these few lines which I should always remember:

6:14 你們饒恕人的過犯,你們的天父也必饒恕你們的過犯;
6:15 你們不饒恕人的過犯,你們的天父也必不饒恕你們的過犯。

6:34 不要為明天憂慮,因為明天自有明天的憂慮;一天的難處一天當就夠了。

Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Better Man

It is too much a lesson to learn.

All the times I know that my temper has caused alot of troubles. No matter it's with my family, friends or my love. I know that I have upset them in a lot of ways. I am a control freak that I must scare alot of people away.

I know you probably don't want to be with me. I still hope that one day you will give me a chance.

God, please give me the strength to fix my problems. I don't know why I am such an angry person with too much the temper. Please release me and give me the peace of mind that I seek.

God, please make me a better man and please take care cching.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


I lost you.


We all go hurt by people around us. Sometimes I hurt you, sometimes you hurt me. We all think that we could be stronger but at the same times we could become weaker.

I am hurt.


Little thing she posted on the net could still got me! Why am I still have that missing feeling? I am mentally tire! Maybe I still miss her, I dont know!

The good thing is tonight I treated my best friend Murphy for his birthday. Due to my grandmom's funeral, I have to wait till today to get the chance to treat him. Can't believe we have met for over 25 years now. Wish you all the best Mur!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Confused, Upset and Angry

It has been 4 months that we broke up. Why would I got upset when I saw her blog saying birthday to someone and wishing that person sweet and happy, but at the end she had the hard feeling. Somewhat I got angry too because why would she missing that person? I think she didn't love me that much because even now she still couldn't get over that someone.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Muizi Video

This is an old video I took with my old mobile phone. You can see how lovely Muizi is. It's not easy to teach her the moves!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Hey, I am back...

I haven't updated my blog for over 2 months. Part of the reasons is that my computer was never home because I needed to use it for recording at the bandroom. After the recording, I was just too lazy to move it back till last night!

Now I just got home from my grandmother's funeral. I feel exhausted. Tomorrow we will go to the cemetery in the morning. It will be another long day.

Hi grandmom, I will see you again in heaven!