Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Monday, January 28, 2008

Wishes of 2008

We share our wishes of 2008 during G-ONE VSG today. My wishes are these:

To learn the true love is, to love the way like Jesus does. It's a tough lesson God taught me. It sounds simple but quite hard to do, especially for me who didn't know what is love. It's so easy to say I love you but can you still love someone if he/she hurt you? Or can you accept someone's fault because you love him/her? Over the years, I have hurt so many people! I hope that in the future I will not hurt anyone anymore.

I hope that I can work hard against my sin. It's not an easy task but if I pray hard, rely on God; then I should be able to get better and better and eventually I should be over it!

I need to learn how to manage my money! Talked to a sister last night I realized that I never tried to manage my money wisely. I think it's time that I need to do it. Maybe when someone told me she didn't feel secure or didn't see a future with me, it's because I didn't have any plan for my future. I hope that by starting to save up money, I can make some plans for my future.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Went to the church for a bible study course. The topic is "Church" and we are going to read Acts 使徒行傳.

Here are something that I learn from the class today:

Church is not 禮拜堂.
Church is not a building.
Church is not a club.
But a place to worship God.
It doesn't matter where it is.
It doesn't matter the number of people

As long as you and I go to the church, that church becomes non-perfect, because we are all sinners!

And also each church has a different mission, so we go to the one that shares the same mission as we do.

My Thumb

I cut part of my thumb tip off at the office. Yeah it was totally off! Blood splashed all over the table and I was in pain. I saw the sharp cut on the thumb and some tissue inside. I was shocked and was feeling even worse. Later the ambulance came and sent me to the hospital. After awhile, I went at the operation room. The doctor sewed back the tip onto my thumb. When they cleaned the wound and gave me injections. It was the worst feeling of my life. It was so much pain! After my thumb got numb, then it was alright. I spent a night at the hospital because they wanted to make sure I won't have any fever or shit.

Thanks God I am ok now and thank y'all who called and sent me message!

p.s. As you see from the photo, the thumb was tied pretty hard during the operation that the shape changed.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


I was baptized in 12.23.2001.

For the last 6 years, I was blessed by God! I had ups and downs but after all, I am still alive and kicking! Thanks God who gave me everything in the past no matter it's good or bad experience! I also have to thank Him for my recent experience because it really helps me to learn to be a better man. I think if I rely on Him, walk like Jesus, I should be a better person.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

A Different Thought?

To whoever that is having a tough time right now, the following may help you to have a different thought.

10:13 然而你待我的這些事,早已藏在你心裡,我知道你久有此意。
10:14 我若犯罪,你就察看我,並不赦免我的罪孽。

你若發現自己懷疑神,就應想到你並不知道全部的事實。神只想給你最豐盛的生命。許多人要忍耐巨大的痛苦,但最後他們會發現更加美好的東西。你在掙扎的時候,別往最壞處想。(from 靈修版聖經)

Friday, January 04, 2008

Job 2:13

Today I learn something from reading Job.

2:13 他們就同他七天七夜坐在地上,一個人也不向他說句話,因為他極其痛苦。

我們常以為對一個受傷害的朋友總要說些甚麼屬靈和深奧的話,然而人為的回答和客套話,並不比同情的沉默和關愛的陪伴更有效果。 (from 靈修版聖經)

Now I learn that we don't always have to say too much to comfort people, sometimes time being quiet, stay there and listen are good enough!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Still Can't... But

Actually I don't think I can't bury my love for her. After all, we really had gone through alot of good and bad times. After all, I still care about her. I guess I don't need to bury my love, probably just learn to love a person another way, which is to wish her well and to keep distance from her.

Now I need to turn my love to God. I believe that by focusing my love to Him, the result will only be a good one cos I still believe He will provide the best for me.

I am starting to read Job now so I hope to learn that how Job can rely on God through all the bad times!