Friday, April 11, 2008

Buffet Dinner

Such a nice view of Hong Kong! Took this picture after buffet dinner with my colleagues at Marco Polo. It was a nice dinner and we had a really fun time together! It's so nice to have good colleagues becoming friends!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Food from TW

Taiwan 3/22-26

It was a great trip to Taiwan! I went to Taipei, Tainan, Keelong. This time I got to visit some music places that I didn't go last time. The Wall was a great place to watch a show, although you told me this place's sound isn't that great. You know, HK doesn't even have a place as close as The Wall. I also went to a big music store but instruments in TW are more expensive than HK so I guess I am lucky to live in HK. I lived in different places from some poor motel to some nice hotel. It's all good to me because I was with you. Well, this time I didn't eat so much but I still had some good food! Anyway, we had a very great time and may God bless both of us! Your arm will be ok so don't worry be happy.

Some 9 Years Old Students... WTF

(星島) 04月 02日 星期三 02:14PM

美國揭發一宗駭人聽聞的學生企圖謀害老師事件,喬治亞州一批只有9歲大的小學生,膽大包天,竟然攜帶全副武器和裝備,包括一把折斷了的牛扒刀、手扣和膠布返回學校,密謀傷害一名老師。幸而他們未真正採取行動,便及時遭到制止。該批小學生一共9人,在喬治亞州韋克羅斯鎮的中心小學(Center Elementary School)內就讀。有一名學童上周五向老師舉報,聲稱見到有同學攜帶武器進入校園內,多名老師採取行動,對該批嫌疑學生進行問話和搜查,及時粉碎了他們的襲擊陰謀,並報警求助。 韋克羅斯鎮警方發言人卡斯韋爾稱,該批學生要襲擊的對象,是一名教授他們的女教師。別看他們年紀小小,他們行事之前制訂了一套計劃,首先用手扣把該名女教師鎖起,然後用膠布封著她的嘴巴,再用紙鎮重擊她的頭部,必要時可能用牛扒刀割她。不過,卡斯韋爾稱,部分學生聲稱,那把牛扒刀不是用來傷人,只是用來割斷膠布。即時未知道該批學生為何要對付該名女教師。