Monday, December 31, 2007

A Long Good Talk

Thanks Hoi Man who talked to me about faith, life and relationship for 2 hours under the cold weather. You really helped me alot to think about just myself. Please take care of her and help her to go through her problems. She really needs friends to support her. Thanks God that He sent me an angel to talk to me and give me some insight. Now I will try to get closer and closer to God. I will leave the relationship behind me.

For the past 1 1/2 month, I really have to thank alot of brothers and sisters who helped me through my struggles. I will never forget you guys.

God, please let me be closer to you and understand you more everyday!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

After all, I need to...

give up, let go and bury my love for her.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

It was a wonderful Christmas night! Last night I joined my church to have the Christmas carol. It's actually my first time if not wrong. I even brought the acoustic guitar out! We gave gifts to the people on the street too.

Then we went back to church to worship! During the sermon God again tells me to wait and be patient. Yes many times I heard that but I just couldn't stop to think and react. Therefore I bumped into troubles alot in the last month. But thanks God, once again He reminds me that I need to learn to listen to him and follow his time line. It's not easy but I think this is the only exit for me now!

Last night was also a memorial night because I bought my church cell group friends to Mensheng bandroom. I told them the history for this place and we prayed for it. We prayed that God will use this place to glorify him and we prayed that my bandmates from Mensheng will open up their ears/eyes to hear/see the gospel through me and become Christian one day! God has his plan so I am relying on Him. At the same time, I have to be better and to let them to see my life, the life that Jesus saves.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Letter to You, God

Dear God,

Are you listening to me? I have been feeling sad for a long time now. I have no clue why she and I started the relationship at the first place, but I did think it was you God who put us together. Or maybe we didn't pray enough to clarify? Now that we aren't together and was it your allowance that we had to break up? I won't blame you God because it was our selfishness to break up. I blamed myself for not asking your permission. I also blame myself for having a stone-cold heart because she gave us chance before to get back but I refused. For the first 4 months after we broke up, we bumped at each other 5 times, every time I acted like nothing but deep inside I felt sad.

I met girls and I even dated them but when I got closer to them, I started to miss her more. I had to stop seeing those people because I knew it was her that I was so in love with. I looked at our pictures, movie clips and gifts but now those are only memories that couldn't be extended anymore.

And now reading her blog knowing she got unhappy because of someone (not me) from her past, I got jealous and even wondered why she would still be sad. I know she loved me but now she told me she was annoyed when she finally listened to my call last Sunday. Am I really that bad God? I know I have bad temper but why didn't she appreciate the good things I did for her? I never cheated on her like her exs did. I care for her so I would tell her the truth instead of of ignore her like her exs did. Yes, I treated her bad at times, cursed at her for few times and even hit her arm for one time, so that's the reason you let us apart? Now her love for me is dead. God, what's going on? I am not blaming her but she had every right to give up on me.

Someone said God gives us freewill while others suggest God has his plan. I don't know the answer because maybe I am not close enough to you God, but I am trying now! You know it's hard because I am afraid that the reason behind is her not you God. So please give me the strength because I am weak and I am lost. Help me to clear my mind that it was you that I want to rely on and nothing else. I hope that one day I will finally understand you.


Friday, December 14, 2007

New Baby from the Lee family

Issak Matteus Lee - was born on Tuesday December 11th @ 1:17pm (Toronto Time)

Scott and Ivy,

Congratulation to you guys! I am so happy to hear that the baby was born! God's amazing! I have witnessed a couple for over 10 years! I've seen you guys through the good and bad times. What an amazing story God had shown in your family. Scott, I wish you will get better and better everyday!

God bless,

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

God Answers

Last night at cell group, we talked about praying. These days I am trying to learn the true praying. God knows everything but He still wants to hear from us. Sometimes I am afraid to tell Him what I want because maybe I don't have enough faith or simply I am just too logical. The brothers from group told me that I can just pray from my heart because the holy spirit will lead me the way. I still hope that one day we can get back to each other; I know God listens and I think sooner I will know his answer more and more. No matter what's the outcome, I am sure He will give me the best thing that I can never think of.

Anyway, reading the bible today it seems like God answers me with this verse from Matthew 21:21-22

21:21 耶穌回答說:“我實在告訴你們:你們若有信心,不疑惑,不但能行無花果樹上所行的事,就是對這座山說:‘你挪開此地,投在海裡! ’也必成就。
21:22 你們禱告,無論求甚麼,只要信,就必得著。”

21:22 這裡並不是保證只要我們向耶穌祈求並相信,就可以得到我們想要得到的一切,神不會應允那些會傷害我們或別人的祈求,及那些違反祂的本性和意願的事情。耶穌的話並不是一張“空白支票”。我們的祈禱必須與神國度的原則一致,我們的信心越強,我們的祈禱就越能符合神的旨意,神亦會很樂意應允這些禱告。

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Matthew 18:35

18:35 你們各人若不從心裡饒恕你的弟兄,我天父也要這樣待你們了。

18:35 因為神已經寬恕了我們所有的罪,我們不應該不肯寬恕別人。既知道基督完全赦免我們,我們就可以自由地以寬容的態度去饒恕別人。不肯饒恕別人的,就是自高,並把自己置於基督的慈愛律法以外了。

Matthew 18:15-17

18:15 倘若你的弟兄得罪你,你就去趁著只有他和你在一處的時候,指出他的錯來。他若聽你,你便得了你的弟兄;
18:16 他若不聽,你就另外帶一兩個人同去,要憑兩三個人的口作見證,句句都可定準。
18:17 若是不聽他們,就告訴教會;若是不聽教會,就看他像外邦人和稅吏一樣

18:15-17 這是耶穌給我們的指引,幫助我們面對攻擊我們的人。這些人可能(1)是基督徒,而不是非信徒;(2)偏偏得罪你;(3)在教會中引起衝突紛爭。耶穌說這話,並不是准許我們正面攻擊每一個傷害或藐視我們的人,也不是准許我們在教會散播謠言或進行教會審訊,這些教訓是為了使彼此不和的人能夠和好,以至所有信徒都可以和睦共處。當人觸犯了我們,我們往往會違反耶穌的吩咐,心中充滿怒氣和仇恨,要尋求報復或用言語來中傷觸犯我們的人。但照主的吩咐,我們應該到那人那裡去,一次又一次地原諒他(18:21-22);這是極難做到的,但卻讓我們有更好的機會去建立良好的人際關係。

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Thank You Guangzhou

I was too busy to update my blog! Finally I got some times to do it tonight!

First thing, a big thank you to the people who went to the show in Dec 1 at GZ. You guys were so supportive, energetic and passionate! I know that people in China won't be able to see this blog, but still I really want to thank y'all for supporting Mensheng. It really touched me because never in my life I would see crowd as supportive as you guys. We are a new band without much publicity but what I saw was all of you tried to give us all. Thanks!

Next, the show in Dec 31! It will be our last show in 2007 haha... Anyway, here's the detail:



深圳:异教、二叉樹、畢加索、曦子 、霍尔頓




現代音樂教室 0755-25470074
上步根据地 0755-83633533